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What Is A Detached Retina?
Posted by: The Eye Center of North Florida in News & Community, June 10, 2021

What is A Detached Retina?
According to the American Academy of Ophthalmology, a detached retina is when the retina lifts away from the back of the eye, like wallpaper peeling off the wall.
When the retina is detached from the back wall of the eye, it is separated from its blood supply and no longer functions properly. The typical symptoms of a retinal detachment include:
- Floaters – These can look like specs, lines, or cobwebs in your field of vision.
- Flashing lights – Some people say this is like seeing stars after being hit in the eye.
- A shadow in the peripheral (side) vision that can be stationary (non-moving) or progress toward, and involve, the center of vision.
- A gray curtain is covering part of your field of vision.
In other cases of retinal detachment, some may not be aware of any changes in their vision. The severity of the symptoms is often related to the extent of the detachment.
What Causes A Detached Retina?
Many things can cause a detached retina, and your eye doctor can inform you if you are more at risk than others for the condition. The most common risk factor for retinal detachment is age. Most people who experience retinal detachment are over the age of 40. However, retinal detachment can occur at any age if you sustain blunt force trauma or people who have diabetes are prone to developing retinal detachment. Also, individuals with severe nearsightedness or close family members who have experienced a retinal detachment are at risk of developing a detached retina.
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If you experience any of the mentioned symptoms, the most critical step you can take is to schedule an appointment with your eye doctor to ensure proper diagnosis and management.
References: American Academy of Ophthalmology and American Society of Retina Specialists