Daily Lens Care & Handling

Please follow these instructions carefully. You will be provided with products to clean, disinfect, and store your soft contact lenses.
In the beginning it is normal if:
- Your eyes itch or feel funny.
- You are more aware of one lens than the other.
- Your vision seems fuzzier than with glasses.
- You have better vision in one eye than the other.
- You have trouble handling your lenses.
Remove your lenses immediately if:
- You develop unusual pain or redness.
- You develop unusually foggy or cloudy vision.
- You experience a decrease in vision that does not clear up.
- You suspect something is wrong.
Instructions for the Care and Handling of Soft Contact Lenses
- Wash Up – Before handling your lenses, wash hands, rinse well, and dry with a lint free towel. Fingernails should be short and smooth to avoid damaging the lenses or scratching your eye.
- Rinse Off – Remove lens from the case and rinse it well. To avoid possible mix-ups, take the right lens first each time.
- Inspection – Place the lens on your forefinger to inspect it for cleanliness and determine if it’s right side out.
- Inverted Lens – If the lens is in the correct position, the edges will appear almost straight up. When inverted, the lens edges will flare out slightly. This is often difficult to determine until you have had a little practice.
- Insertion
- Hold the upper lashes (not the lid) to prevent blinking
- Pull the bottom eyelid down
- Focus on a steady point with the eye you are not putting the lens on
- Place the lens on the central cornea, not to the side
- Do not blink until the lens is in place
- Eye Drops – One or two drops of lens lubricant are recommended if your lenses feel dry or if blurry vision occurs while wearing. Eye drops may also be helpful prior to remove if your lenses feel dry or sticky.
- Removal – Wash hands before removal. Slide the edge of your lens down onto the white part of your eye (sclera). Then gently squeeze the lens between your thumb and forefinger to remove.
- Cleaning – Your contacts must be cleaned after wearing. Place the lens in your palm, put a drop or two of cleaning solution on it and rub in a straight back and forth motion.
- Clean Case Daily – After removing your lenses from the case, rinse your case well with contact lens solution and allow it to air dry before refilling it with fresh solution.
- Storing Lenses – When soft lenses are stored in the case, always immerse in the prescribed disinfecting or soaking solution. CAUTION: Never store soft lenses in tap water, mineral water, or anything other than sterile soft lens solution.
- The solutions recommended for cleaning, disinfecting, soaking, and rinsing your contact lenses and the eye drops for use while wearing the lenses have been prescribed specifically for your eyes and your lenses. Since the formulas for producing these type solutions and eye drops vary significantly from one manufacturer to another, do not change any of them without checking with us first. Use of non-recommended products may result in lens damage or irritation to your eyes.
- How well your eyes adapt to your lenses is the key factor in determining wearing time. Do not exceed the wearing schedule we have prescribed for you.
- Remember, like any prescription device, contact lenses must be monitored on a regular basis. Professional follow-up care is the most important element in successful long-term lens wear. Please keep your scheduled appointments.