Be Eye Smart this Back-to-School Season

As kids head back to school this fall via virtual learning or in-person, The Eye Center of North Florida wants to remind parents about the importance of maintaining healthy vision in helping children achieve educational success. Whether kids are using iPads, laptops, reading books, or viewing whiteboards, ensuring their eyes are functioning and growing normally is key… Read More

Keep an Eye on Your Vision Health

Eye exams aren’t just about vision. They’re about your health. Prevention Is the Best Treatment Eye exams at every age and life stage can help keep your vision healthy. Without regular eye exams, there is no way to catch glaucoma or age-related macular degeneration for an early diagnosis to slow their progress and to keep… Read More

Understanding The Eye

To understand the diseases and conditions that can affect the eye, it helps to understand basic eye anatomy. This week, we would like to give a brief tour of the eye to explain further how it works. The eye captures and focuses light like a camera. Here is a step-by-step explanation of how the eye… Read More

Travel Tips For Your Eyes

Eye emergencies can be frightening, especially when you’re far from home. Accidents and injuries can make it hard to navigate a new city – even worse, some conditions can lead to permanent vision loss if not treated appropriately. Here are some top travel tips from a comprehensive ophthalmologist and world traveler Anne Sumers, M.D., a clinical… Read More

July is UV Safety Month

Before you head out, don’t forget to protect yourselves from the sun’s UV rays, both with sunscreen for your skin and with sunglasses for your eyes. Why We Need UV Protection We all know that we can get sunburns if we stay outside too long without sunscreen, but did you know that your eyes can be… Read More

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