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LASIK For Hero Winner Announced
Posted by: The Eye Center of North Florida in News & Community, November 14, 2019

On Friday November 8, 2019 the Eye Center was proud to present our 2019 LASIK for Heroes award at the annual Bay County Chamber of Commerce First Responder Appreciation Luncheon.
Our award recipient primary job is to manage and maintain the County’s Communication Call Center equipment and to manage and maintain all the main 911 services. For her, it is not unusual to receive calls to troubleshoot issues in the dead of night. It is also not unusual for her to have to crawl into areas where having glasses is problematic. In hot, steamy conditions her glasses fog up. Because of computer work, her glasses also cause eye strain and headache. Both effect how she is able to perform her daily duties. Our LASIK for Local Heroes recipient is Bay County Emergency Services Lesil Taylor.
You can view the Award Presentation here: https://youtu.be/ftq67HMJUrQ