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Fireworks Safety- Protect Your Vision
Posted by: The Eye Center of North Florida in News & Community, June 30, 2017

The July 4th holiday is only days away. Summer weather, family events and activities planned for the holiday will be a great time and create lasting memories. But before you and your family celebrate make sure everyone knows and respects firework safety. If not handled properly, fireworks can cause burns and eye injuries to kids and adults. Please, if you, a loved one or your child experience an eye injury, seek medical attention immediately– don’t rub or touch it because this may cause more damage!
Here’s a trick– if accident does occur and someone experiences an eye injury, cut out the bottom of a paper/plastic cup and keep the eye covered– this will keep you from rubbing or touching it while you seek medical attention.
Fireworks are supposed to be enjoyed and an injury will quickly erase the joy and memories of a great holiday. Take extra precautions and follow these fireworks safety tips and you will be sure to have a safe and enjoyable July 4th holiday!